Document Convert Toolkit is a multipurpose files convert , preview and print application software, let you view, convert and print CAD(ECAD) drawing ,general business documents and other electronic file easily .
With support for hundreds of document types, including 2D/3D CAD, EDA, image, Adobe, and MS Office(95~2007), without requiring the original authoring application, and without altering document integrity.
Document Convert Toolkit can support Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, Lotus123, Adobe PDF,PSD, JPEG(JPEG2000), WMF, BMP,PS/EPS,SVG(Z) and TIFF etc various popular official business and graph file format.
The support for 2D CAD is fairly outstanding too. Can directly open DWG, DXF, DWF, MicroStation, DGN, HPGL, CGM, IGES, ME10, Cadkey, EPS and Visio file.
For designer , the possibility of more contact is the file of 3D CAD. Document Convert Toolkit has offered good support for 3D CAD, for example CATIA, UG, Pro/E, Soild, Edge, SolidWorks, Inventor, Mechanical, JT, AutoCAD3D, ACIS, STEP, IGES, STL etc.
Main features:
- Convert the file of all supports To PDF,GIF,TIFF,BMP,Jpeg,Png,Tga etc.
- Convert PDF to Word(Rtf), TIff
- Convert PDF(Vector objects) To DXF ,IGES, WMF, EMF
- Convert 3D CAD (CATIA, UG, Pro/E, SoildEdge, SolidWorks, Inventor, Mechanical, JT, AutoCAD3D, ACIS, STEP, IGES, STL) to DXF,IGES,STL(ASCII,Binary)
- Convert raster graphics(Bmp,Jpeg,Png,Tiff,Gif etc) to vector graphics (DXF, IGES,WMF,EMF)